About Us

The Vision Statement

In Matthew 16:18, Jesus states: I will build my church and the gates of hell will not prevail against it. There are certain timeless and universal purposes for the Church.  Faithfulness to Christ requires every church in every age, culture, group, people, and location to actively engage in the following:

  1. Being a body of believers who imitate Jesus Christ (Mark 10:42-45).
  2. Being a body of people who worship God (Romans 12:1-2).
  3. Being the agency of God for evangelizing the world (Matthew 28:19)
  4. Being a channel of God’s purpose to build up the body of saints by teaching them to live in obedience to Christ (Matthew 28:20).

Kingdom Embassy has a vision to reach communities, cities, and nations with the good news of the gospel.  KE seeks to:

  • Bring people into membership in the Church (Matthew 28:19; Acts 1:8).
  • Develop people in Christ-like maturity (Matt. 28:20; Eph. 4:11)
  • Enable people to exalt and magnify God (Romans 12:12; Psalms 95:6-7)

The Vision: To develop spiritually centered, prayerfully empowered, personally equipped and positively energized people who expand God’s kingdom of love in the world as true disciples of Jesus Christ.

The Motto:  “A Demonstration of the Spirit and of Power” 2 Cor. 2:4


The Mission Statement:

“To restore perishing souls for Jesus Christ by bringing people into membership in His family; developing them to maturity in Christ, equipping them for their ministry in the Church and mission in the world, and enabling them to magnify God.”

  • Bringing people into Membership in the Church (Universal).
  • Developing them to Maturity in Christ
  • Equipping them for Ministry
  • Sending them out to Mission
  • Enabling them to Magnify God.

The Mission Approach

Out of this mission flow all the strategies for ministry. Every action we take should aim at accomplishing this vision. We see this mission statement involving three processes which form the vision for the church; we thereby pursue our objectives through integrated and holistic commitment in three ways:

1)       Evangelism/Discipleship:

  • Evangelization that seeks to reach the perishing souls with the Power of the Holy Ghost through Miracle Crusades, Revival, Conferences/Seminars for: Leaders, Women, Youth, and all Christians; Child/Street Children Evangelism and Discipleship; Counseling services; Evangelism Publications; Audio and Visual teachings in Televisions and Radios; Life Groups; Public Institution Ministries e.g. Prisons, Hospitals, Schools, Colleges and Universities.

Raising ministry partners to provide support to help Kingdom Embassy to reach the lost souls and provide for the needy around the world according to their gifting and calling.

2)        Branches (Spirit Embassy Churches):

  • To establish Branches throughout Georgia and around the World with five strong pillars of: The Word, Prayer, Evangelism, Praise and Worship, and Discipleship.
  • Kingdom Embassy believes that the vision of a Church begins with growing healthy and productive believers who are strengthened, and bonded by family life ties of genuine love, and where individual’s needs are holistically met.
  • We want to be a place where the hurting, the sick, the depressed, the frustrated and the confused can find love, healing, acceptance, help, forgiveness, encouragement, and a new life.
  • We want to be a Church where every member is an Evangelist, where every worker is a warrior with No More Limits! So Kingdom Embassy Branches are key training grounds for Raising Champions and Taking Territories.

To fulfill the above vision, the five fold-gifts (Ephesians 4:11) of Apostles, Prophets, Evangelists, Pastors and Teachers shall be set in place. The gift of administration provides support, guidance, and coordination among the five-fold ministry.

3)       Projects:

  • Kingdom Embassy believes that a healthy body reaches out to the community to meet not only the spiritual, but also the physical needs of the population. We want to touch the lives of our neighbours by reaching to individuals as we bring salvation to the lost souls and healing to the afflicted bodies, and by carrying out transformation projects like:

(i) Education:

  1. Conduct Basic Computer Classes to enhance the skills of those that are computer illiterate, thereby enabling them to assimilate with today’s computer age and better opportunities in the job market.
  2. After-School program to all at-risk children (grades K-12) in the community, including Arts and Crafts, Computer Education, Homework, etc.
  3. We also want to promote Adults literacy in the community.
  4. Empower leaders in the communities with leadership organizational skills through short Leadership Training Courses (LTC).
(ii) Youth Mentoring:
  1. Promote participants on various subjects including teenage pregnancy, drug and alcohol abuse, tobacco use, and effective conflict management.
  2. Stress the importance of remaining focused and striving for excellence and academic achievements.
(iii)  Adult Education and Focus Forums:
  1. Establish seminars and workshops on the social and economic systems, e.g. employment, credit, consumer credit, etc.,
  2. Establish tutoring centers to prepare adults high school dropouts for the GED Testing.

(iv)  English as a Second Language (ESOL) Classes:

  1. Establish classes to meet the needs of those within the community who are unable to communicate appropriately in English
  2. English can be a setback to those with the inability to communicate in English.

(v) Outreach:

  1. Establish a Life Resource “Food Pantry” where those with emergencies can come and get the needed assistance.
  2. Reaching out to the community by periodically distributing food, clothing, and feeding the homeless.
  3. Bringing relief to Refugees and Non-speaking immigrants in the community. Working through Partners, Churches and Government Authorities seeking to identify the acute need of the targeted group (e.g. internally displaced, refugees, prisoners, hospitalized) and then meet their needs appropriately!

By making a world of difference, we will truly be “Kingdom Minded People”, thereby bringing hope to God’s people and a dying world.